Are Safe Haven Assets Becoming Extinct?

Vector graph showing an investor grappling with bearish market

Source: Dreamstime

Reading time: 5 minutes

In a matter of months, the COVID-19 pandemic grew from a considerable health threat to a global financial crisis. What followed was a torrent of sell-offs and fund transfers to so-called safe havens, such as gold, government bonds, and the Japanese yen, which quickly weakened the stock markets to an extent comparable only to the worst of market recessions.

The en masse and almost simultaneous investor migration from medium- and high-risk financial instruments to traditionally strong assets in times of crisis inevitably had us asking the question: what are the hidden risks of investing in safe havens in 2020?

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Two flash crashes that rattled the markets

Checkerboard with checkmated white king

Source: Pixabay | Photographer: stevepb

Reading time: 4 minutes

Abrupt market crashes, also known as “flash crashes”, are anything but new. And while their effect on the global economies is typically short-lived, there are instances where such downfalls can spark lengthy economic crises, similar to Black Tuesday—the day that marked the beginning of the Great Depression.

As history has shown time and time again, sudden market dips are usually a byproduct of either boundless avarice or downright reckless behaviour. In this article, we’ll look into two real-life stories that completely support both of these stereotypes.

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Vaccine Against COVID-19 – an Investment Opportunity or a Financial Bubble on the Verge of Popping?

Source: DeltaStock

Reading time: 6 minutes

With over 34 million infected and 1 million deaths globally, the race for who will first develop a suitable vaccine against the coronavirus is more disputed than ever. At the moment, thousands of investors have flocked to the biotechnological sector where, according to the World Health Organization, as of July there are 173 potential vaccine developers hard at work, while research expenses have reached billions of U.S. dollars.

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How to Trade Oil Online

Source: | Author: DeltaStock

Reading time: 15 minutes

In the years following its discovery, oil quickly became known as the “black gold” due to the variety of investment opportunities that it offers to traders and investors from across the world. Because of this, it’s not at all surprising that, today, this commodity is of crucial importance not just for the energy sector, but for the global economical and political scene as well.

If you have always wondered what are the causes behind oil’s frequent peaks and troughs and how you can take advantage of them from the comfort of your home, this handbook is just the thing you need!

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